Listening to your body and progressing at your own pace is key . The bottom line is that the best class for you is the one you ’ ll return to .
Beyond its diversity , yoga boasts a wealth of health benefits . Physically , it can increase flexibility , build strength , and improve balance and posture . Regular practice has been shown to reduce chronic pain and even enhance heart health by lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol . Mentally , yoga is a powerful tool against stress and anxiety and for enhancing sleep and fostering focus and calm .
If you ’ re ready to unroll your mat and begin , here are some basic yoga movements you can try .
Windshield wiper ( rotates spine and hips ) — Lie on your back with your knees bent toward the ceiling , with your feet flat and about hip-width apart . ( If you can ’ t get to the floor , try it on a bed .) Open your arms straight out from your shoulders . As you exhale , let both knees fall to the left . As you inhale , bring your knees back to the center ( keeping your feet wide ). Exhale your knees down to the right . Inhale , lifting knees back to center . Continue side to side for five rounds .
Eagle Arms
Eagle arms ( stretches shoulders and upper back ) — Open your arms out wide from the shoulders , then cross your arms in front of you , taking hands to opposite shoulders and stacking one elbow on top of the other . ( Hold this “ hug ” if this is enough of a stretch .) Keep your top elbow hooked by the bottom elbow as you let go of your shoulders and bring your forearms toward each other and the back of the hands together . To go deeper , try wrapping your wrists until the fingers of your bottom arm wrap around your wrist to touch the palm of the top arm . Gently lift and lower your elbows as you try to relax your shoulders away from your ears .
Cat cow ( warms up the spine ) — Cow : Kneel on all fours ( or stand like a tabletop with hands on the seat of a chair ) with your shoulders over your wrists and your hips over your knees . Lift your head and roll your shoulders back to shine your heart forward as you also lift your tailbone to stretch your stomach from your chin to your pelvic bone . Cat : In that same kneeling position , tuck your chin toward your chest , curl your tailbone under , and press the middle of your back toward the ceiling , rounding your back like a Halloween cat . Continue back and forth . Connect to your breath and add one breath per movement for five rounds .
Yoga classes are offered throughout the Northwest Georgia area , but a great way to experience them is at the Three Rivers Yoga Festival being held at the Forum River Center in Rome on February 8 . Organized by the folks at SpringStone Yoga in Rome , it launched in March of 2024 as a communitybuilding event and was so well-received that it ’ s returning this February with even more to offer . ( See sidebar at right for more information .)
If you aren ’ t already a devotee , perhaps 2025 is the time to introduce yoga as part of your commitment to your physical and mental health . In the words of renowned self-help guru Deepak Chopra , “ Yoga teaches us both to let go and to have exquisite awareness in every movement . We remember our essential spiritual nature and life becomes more joyful , meaningful , and carefree .”
Three Rivers Yoga Festival
February 8 , 2025 , 9am-5pm Forum River Center , Rome , GA Admission $ 99 per person threeriversyogafest . com
With more than 15 yoga classes led by expert teachers from around the area , attendees of this year ’ s Three Rivers Yoga Festival will have a wide range of yoga types and styles to experience . Beginner and gentle options are available . The festival is partnered with the Dharma Project , a foundation committed to offering yoga to underserved communities .
Tanaya Larsen has been teaching yoga since 2010 , and owns SpringStone Yoga in Rome , Georgia . She and fellow yoga teacher Melissa Lerner launched the Three Rivers Yoga Festival in 2024 . The festival returns in 2025 with a vision to unite the community through mindful movement and shared purpose .
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