According to the CDC , 1 out of 6 U . S . adults practices yoga . Here ’ s an introduction to the ancient discipline for those of you not yet onboard .
Yoga has been a fixture in the fitness world for the last few decades , but unlike passing trends such as vibrating belts , step aerobics , and Tae Bo , yoga ’ s deep history and multifaceted benefits have kept it relevant for centuries . Yoga is more than exercise ; it ’ s a lifelong practice that builds peace , resilience , and inner strength .
An ancient Indian practice with roots more than 5,000 years deep , yoga invites you on a journey that nurtures both the body and mind . The word “ yoga ” means “ to connect .” During yoga , you may find yourself connecting mind and body , body and breath , and breath to movements . In essence , yoga is a way to connect to your deeper self .
Yoga began as a practice of meditation , but practitioners realized their bodies benefited from movement before sitting in stillness ( often for hours ). This is where the asanas , or poses , came from . These days , the poses are what most people think about when they think of yoga , but traditional yoga classes still end with a few minutes of quiet stillness , called Savasana , to allow time for contemplation , meditation , or simply to let our minds rest . It is often the part of class students look forward to the most .
Yoga is for everyone , but not every yoga class is for everyone . Yoga styles and energy levels vary greatly . Hatha yoga is slower paced and focuses on basic postures . Vinyasa links breath with movement for a flow-like practice . Yin and restorative yoga offer a slower , meditative experience , emphasizing relaxation and holding poses or stretches for several minutes . These days , you can find power yoga , yoga with weights , chair yoga , acro yoga , and even goat yoga ( yes , yoga with live goats running around !).
If you ’ re looking to start yoga , ask yourself if you would benefit from slowing down in a yin , gentle , or restorative class ,
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or if you need to move your body before settling in for longer-held stretches like in a flow class . It ’ s helpful to know how you feel about getting on and off the floor . If mobility is a problem , consider a class with chair options . Many poses can be adapted to fit your needs and abilities , and props can be added to make yoga more accessible .
Acro Yoga