No r t h e r n V i r g i n i a C o n s e r v a t i on T r u s t
The past year was an eventful time for NVCT, highlighted by the addition of six new conserved
properties and a continued focus on the stewardship and protection of our portfolio of 121 natural
places that total nearly 7,000 acres of beautiful Northern Virginia.
It also was a year when we bid a fond farewell to Peggy Stevens after four wonderful years as the
organization’s Executive Director and ushered in a new, exciting era of leadership for the years
ahead. The successful search for our new executive director, Alan Rowsome, was the result of a
smooth transition in the midst of a very productive time. Alan’s work at the national level with
diverse constituencies and with land conservation organizations will build on the Trust’s successes
over nearly a quarter century.
NVCT is proud to be your regional land trust, committed to Saving Nearby Nature in its many
diverse forms throughout Northern Virginia. Whether it be a two-acre tidal wetland on the banks
of the Potomac River in Alexandria or 90 acres of rolling hills adjacent to Manassas National
Battlefield Park in Fairfax County, we are working hard every day to make our collective home a
better place for future generations.
We are truly energized about what lies ahead for this organization, even in the face of some of the
unique challenges that come with protecting land in an increasingly urban landscape. One thing
that remains constant is the love that Northern Virginians have for their parks, open space, and
natural areas, which we see every day as we interact with our neighbors across the region. The
commitment from the people we work and partner with is what drives us to be the organization
you respect and rely on to deliver new protected lands throughout our communities.
As NVCT looks forward to its 25th anniversary next year, it will be a chance to reflect on how far
we’ve come, but more importantly to look at where we are going. We are truly excited to not only
share the path ahead with you, but to include you in it. Our success is your success and NVCT
wouldn’t be able to achieve what it does without incredible friends and supporters like you.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the staff, thank you for all you do for us and we can’t wait
to see what comes next!
Gary Kirkbride
Chairman, NVCT Board of Directors
Board of Directors/Officers:
As of 12/31/17
Gary Kirkbride
Nancy Hyde
Vice Chair
John Hopewell
Susan Smith Blakely
2 n Annual Report FY 2017
As of 12/31/17
David M. Beaver
Richard Bliss
Mitchell Bonanno
William C. Dickinson
Dennis Hertel
Mariel Murray
Elinor Schwartz
Ranjit Singh
Jay Sinha
Thomas R. VanBlaricom
Katy Weidenfeller
Alan Rowsome
Executive Director
Andrea Reese and Rentz Hilyer
Land Conservation
Daniel Saltzberg
Land Stewardship
Michele Braithwaite
Gregory Meyer
Fund Development
Xiaoxiao Wu