Nutrien Ag Solutions Seed Guide 2021 | Page 12

HARVESTABILITY DIS STANDABILITY STRAIGHT CUT BLACKLEG BEST OPTION BETTER OPTION GOOD OPT As the crop approaches maturity, terminating growth with a pre-harvest herbicide application is strongly recommended. Spraying is essentially the replacement for swathing. This will allow the crop to dry down uniformly. If the crop is not terminated, later maturing plants or patches will delay combining. The selection of the product used to terminate crop growth will depend on the herbicide tolerant canola system. Glyphosate can be used in LibertyLink ® and Clearfield ® canola. Apply it at about the same time as swathing. Glyphosate works slow and can take three to four weeks before attempting to combine. Desiccant-type products such as Heat ® or Reglone ® (Stage) ® are faster acting but provide minimal pre-harvest perennial weed management benefits.