Nutrien Ag Solutions Seed Guide 2021 | Page 11

a for your farm T ICIDE ANCE EMENT s 1 & 2 DEFENSIVE TRAITS DISEASE PROTECTION BL G R O W I N G SEASON SHORT MID FULL s 1 & 2 BL s 1 & 2 BL, CR s 1 & 2 BL s 1 & 2 BL s 1 & 2 BL, CR s 1 & 2 BL, CR s 1 & 2 BL, SCL, CR 2 & 9 BL, CR 2 & 9 BL, CR 2 & 9 BL, CR s 1 & 9 BL s 1 & 2 BL, CR BL = Blackleg, SCL = Sclerotinia, CR = Clubroot What you should know about straight cutting canola Many growers have successfully adopted this practice and it’s a viable alternative to the conventional approach of swathing and combining. As a standing canola crop reaches maturity the risk of pod shatter and/or pod drop is a key impediment to straight cutting. However, the introduction of varieties with pod shatter reduction traits has eased this concern. Growers attempting this practice for the first time should strongly consider selecting a hybrid recommended for harvest management characteristics or pod shatter traits. After that, growing the crop is no different up to the point of harvest management.