Nutrien Ag Solutions Forage Guide 2020 | Page 13

DEKALB offers a superior line up of grain and silage corn hybrids that are bred and widely tested under local growing conditions to meet the needs of western Canadian farmers. Based on data generated from annual planting of thousands of Western Canada pre-commercial breeder test plots, DEKALB corn hybrids are selected with a focus on maturity, yield, test weight and a broad range of quality characteristics. SILAGE/ GRAIN HEAT UNITS TRAITS Early Grain, Early Silage 2075 VT2P DKC23-21 Grain 2075 RR2 Very good harvest appearance and agronomics; fast drydown. Brings improved yield potential to its maturity zone. DKC26-40RIB Grain, Silage 2150 VT2P Excellent emergence, strong disease package and excellent test weight. Excellent late season appearance with fast drydown helps put this hybrid on the early side of its relative maturity. DKC27-55RIB Grain 2200 VT2P This medium-to-tall hybrid has excellent early season vigour. Flowers late but will drydown to favour high test weight. Excellent harvest appearance. Performs well across all soil types and yield environments. DKC29-88 NEW Grain 2275 RR2 Excellent drydown and harvest appearance. Excellent root and stalk strength. Late flowering timing for maturity but dries down very quickly. DKC29-89RIB Grain 2275 VT2P Excellent drydown and harvest appearance. Excellent root and stalk strength. Late flowering timing for maturity but dries down very quickly. HYBRID DKC23-17RIB GRAZING DESCRIPTION Early flowering, early maturing. Very good harvest appearance and agronomics; fast drydown. Brings improved yield potential to its maturity zone. Excellent stalk strength. DKC30-07RIB Grain 2350 VT2P Excellent late season health. Medium-to-tall Silage Ready ™ hybrid. Excellent harvest appearance and top end yield potential. Excellent plant heath for quality silage and grain. Excellent root and stalk strength. Stable hybrid in all soil types. Performs well in clay soils at high populations. DKC32-12RIB Grain, Silage 2450 VT2P Excellent stalk strength from a medium-to-tall statured plant. Great performance under drought stress. Excellent test weight and grain quality. Well suited for all soil types and yield environments. DKC33-78RIB Grain 2400 VT2P Solid agronomics with excellent stalks, standability, test weight and drydown. Top end yield potential. Very good staygreen and late season plant health. Very good drought tolerance. Performs well across all soil types and yield environments. DKC34-57RIB Grain, Silage 2550 VT2P High yield potential in all yield environments. Flowering and drydown on target for maturity. Performs best on loamy soils. Tall plant type with Silage Ready ™ designation; great dual-purpose hybrid. DKC35-88RIB Grain 2550 VT2P Excellent yield potential in all soil types and yield environments. Flowers and dries down true to relative maturity. Excellent roots and very good stalks. Excellent drought tolerance. DKC37-85RIB Grain 2650 VT2P Very stress tolerant, stable hybrid across yield environments. Excellent emergence and early season growth for early planting. Girthy ears with open husks for fast drydown. DKC37-93RIB Grain 2625 VT2P Excellent seedling vigour. Great top end yield potential. Good stress tolerance. Excellent grain quality and quick drydown. Excellent rotated ground fit across all soil types. DKC38-03RIB Grain 2675 VT2P Versatile hybrid with excellent emergence and very good early season growth. Early flowering with fast harvest drydown; girthy cob. Very good stalks and roots. Consistent on all soil types and yield environments. Keep at medium populations. DKC38-55RIB Grain, Silage 2650 VT2P Medium-to-tall statured hybrid that flowers early for its relative maturity. Performs well on all soil types. Plant at medium to high populations for best results. DKC39-97RIB Grain, Silage VT2P Excellent early season growth and vigour for early planting. Excellent drydown and solid agronomics. Excellent stalks and roots; girthy cob and very good late season plant health. Medium plant type with Silage Ready ™ designation; great dual purpose hybrid. BEST OPTION VT2P= 2700 BETTER OPTION ; RR2= GOOD OPTION NO INFORMATION 11