Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - February 2014 | Page 30
PTSD is not just for the Military! - p3
locked away in a trunk, le to watch as it,
using my body, set out on a path of reckless
destruc on … of my life! I was a helpless
In more technical terms, there is an internal
struggle that occurs. While the human
brain recognizes its reac ons are “overkill,”
the chemical response triggered bypasses
this logic, causing the body to react
physically to a serious threat, in a manner
that is not a custom of the person or
effec ve for the situa on. A human's
ins ncts are very sharp and animal-like, the
mind rever ng to a me when it was “kill or
be killed.” Your base survival ins ncts kick
in on the most minor of details or situa ons
and the brain translates what is not, in
reality, a threat, and responds with a
When suffering from PTSD, adrenaline and
cor sol run rampant through the brain,
crea ng dependence -- an addic on and
the body has become the drug dealer,
deciding for you, when you will take it. As a
result, the body becomes chemically
unbalanced making even the mee ng of
your simplest needs (such as food and
sleep), difficult or impossible to achieve.
In the average human body, these are good
things designed to help us escape a
perceived threat. The adrenal glands
secrete the hormone Adrenaline,
responsible for a variety of func ons such
as heart rate and blood pressure, which
swi ly saturates the muscles giving the
body a quick jolt of what some perceive as
30 - Nu Vibez Magazine - February 2014
super-human strength and speed. At the
same me, these same glands secrete
another hormone called Cor sol which
shuts down func ons not needed during
mes of perceived threats, such as appe te
and sleep preven ng the body from being
fa gued by hunger or the need for rest while
danger is present.
In a person with PTSD, however, the brain
perceives even safe and secure
environments as threats be it through
misunderstandings of surroundings, or even
hallucina ons by way of example. These
happen frequently, triggering adrenaline
and cor sol far too o en for the human
body to tolerate and thus, a chemical
imbalance is created and we begin to selfdestruct.
In my own case, these chemicals were so
high in my body were so high that the
thought of ea ng posi vely repulsed me. I
couldn't even prepare food for myself for
five weeks, stomaching only coffee. To add
insult to injury, I smoked incessantly, adding
even more dangerous chemicals to my
already over-taxed system, further
compounding the problem. Of course I
knew be er and yet, I was helpless to do
otherwise. By the me I was able to get the
chemical levels low enough where I actually
wanted to eat, my body rejected food. This
went on for a further four weeks and all the
while, I could not sleep! I needed to learn
how to take care of my base needs all over