Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazine - February 2014 | Page 29
PTSD is not just for the Military! - p2
PTSD is not just
for the Military!
By LadiLuck
"..worry is soul suicide."
-James Allen
When the term, “PTSD” is men oned, it is
common for one's mind to think of soldiers,
in camouflage, on the ba lefield with
bombs exploding all around them, but this
disorder is not exclusive to our amazing
military hero's.
Post-trauma c Stress Disorder (PTSD) is
described by the Mayo Clinc as, “a mental
health condi on that's triggered by a
terrifying event. Symptoms may include
flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety,
as well as uncontrollable thoughts about
the event.” Anything, from the loss of a
child, to a car accident, can trigger this in
any of us no ma er how strong we think we
yet, there was nothing I could do to change
our fates – save watch in horror as it all
unfolded around me in what seemed like
slow-mo on. To this day, as a result of this
accident, I suffer from nightmares and other
manifesta ons of PTSD.
Being a social-worker; on the front-lines
with clients of all ages who o en have
mental health and addic on issues or are
suffering from the trauma c results of these
issues; it is my job to help guide people to
healthier solu ons -- to heal their anguish.
Yet a er my own accident, while being
aware of what I was feeling and why and
knowing that my behavior was destruc ve, I
was unable to affect a change -- unable to
heal myself. It felt as though I had been hijacked by a monster which had the real me
On August 18, 2013, a beau ful sunshinefilled day, I was driving my car, preparing to
make a le turn. While wai ng for oncoming traffic to pass, the constant clicking
noise of my turn signal warning others of my
pending turn –- I was rear-ended. I will
never forget the sight in my rear-view
mirror. The other driver looked up and a
look of pure terror consumed her features
as she realized she was about to hit me. And
Nu Vibez Magazine - February 2014 - 29