NU International Dec 20/Jan 21, interior part NU buyer's magazine no 01 2021 | Page 7

Sofie Helsted and Mille Fly

NEW DATE ! 11-14 MARCH 2021

Follow the yellow brick road by Studie FlyHelsted The trend zone at Formland is created by Studie FlyHelsted , and it is constructed as an inspiring interior and lifestyle store .
MCH TAKES YOUR SAFETY VERY SERIOUSLY . The concept SafeMCH is implemented - it strictly follows instructions from the Danish health authorities . Maximum security has top priority . Please follow updates on corona restructions at formland . com
- The framework of the shop itself is simple and strict because we want full focus on the products inside . The assortment is an exciting mix of personal , creative , and unique products . For instance , we show a range of recycled and sustainable concepts . To create a strong community with your customers - which we believe is very important - requires personal choices from the shop owners and professional buyers . They have to take a stand and be specific on which values the shop stands for . Find your individual shop ’ s identity - and show it ! To play safe and only sell mainstream products is not the way to go in future . Also , corona has shown us that online platforms and physical presence are not opposites , but ideally complement each other . As humans , we need to be part of strong communities , and as consumers we want to be inspired and to see and touch textiles and designs in real life , says Mille Fly and Sofie Helsted .
Experience the trend zone at Formland in Hall D .
Photos : MCH / Tony Brøchner
7 · MODEBRANCHEN . · ISSUE NO 01 · 2021