NTFB Documents FY16 Annual Report - Final | Page 22

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITES Support and Revenue Public Support Public Contributions $ Donated Food & Commodities 20,3 1 2 ,173 102,522,742 Capital Campaign 25,124,872 Total Public Support 147,959,787 Total Government Grants & Reimbursements 4,425,249 Revenue Handling Fee 2,200,392 Investment Income & Other Revenue 5,720 Total Revenue 2,206, 1 1 2 Total Support & Revenue 154,591,148 Expenses Program 122,326,883 Management & General 2,156,449 Fundraising 5,138,5 1 2 Total Expenses 129,621,844 Change in Net Assets 24,969,304 Net Assets, Beginning of Year Net Assets, End of Year 22 21,575,969 $ 46,545,273 Please see full Audited Financial Statements at ntfb.org/financials for notes and other supplementary information that is integral to the financial statements. An estimated wholesale value of the donated food and commodities is included in both the Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Activities. Donated inventory is valued at an average of the national wholesale prices as determined by an independent study provided by Feeding America.