Adaptive Sports Center (Colorado)
Registration Deadline: Friday, November 30
Join us for the trip of a lifetime to the Adaptive Sports Center (ASC) in Crested Butte, Colorado! ASC, founded in 1987, started with a small, but passionate
group of individuals that began offering ski instruction and equipment to participants with disabilities. ASC is now a therapeutic recreation organization that
operates year-round with activities ranging from mountain biking and skiing to ice climbing and kayaking.
ASC and NSSRA are coming together to provide participants with a ski/snowboarding trip in the mountains of beautiful Crested Butte, Colorado. You do not
need prior experience with skiing or snowboarding, the ASC staff will be paired up with our group to provide adaptations and individualized lessons. Pack
your warm winter clothes and join us for an exhilarating adventure! Please bring spending money if you would like to buy snacks or souvenirs. Fee
includes airfare, bus shuttles, meals, accommodations and all associated skiing/snowboarding costs.
New participants must attend an NSSRA overnight trip prior to the registration deadline so NSSRA can assess the individual’s readiness for
this trip. Please note that participants will be sharing a four-bedroom cabin with staff and peers. A trip waiver and an information packet will
be sent upon registration and should be returned no later than Friday, February 8.
Participants must be able to independently perform daily living skills, follow scheduled activities and function at a 1:4 staff to participant ratio. For trip
details, please contact Katie James, Recreation Specialist for Trips, at (847) 509-9400 x6833 or [email protected].
Katie James Min/Max:
18 and up
Program Code/Fee:
Adaptive Sports Center, Crested Butte, Colorado
Wednesday, February 27 - Sunday, March 3
6 / 10
198100-61 / $600 Deposit
(Approximate fee will be $2,200 - $2,500)