NSSRA Program Guides Summer 2018 | Page 9

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Code of Conduct

Equal Access No eligible participant shall , on the basis of race , creed , national origin or disability , be denied equal access to programs , activities , services or benefits or be limited in the exercise of any right , privilege , advantage or opportunity . If any special accommodations are necessary for participation in any program or to receive any service provided by NSSRA , please notify the staff upon registration .
Behavior All participants and their guests are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times while participating , spectating or attending any program or activity sponsored by NSSRA . This includes participation in programs which may or may not require an admission fee . For the purpose of the Code of Conduct , the term “ program ” refers to all recreational events you may attend as a participant , spectator or visitor which are sponsored by NSSRA .
Participants and Their Guests Shall 1 . Show respect to all participants and program staff and / or supervisors . 2 . Take direction from program staff and / or supervisors . 3 . Refrain from using abusive or foul language . 4 . Refrain from causing bodily harm to self , other participants or program staff and / or supervisors . 5 . Refrain from bullying other participants or program staff and / or supervisors . 6 . Show respect to equipment , supplies and facilities .
Discipline A positive approach is used when disciplining . Program staff may discuss the Code of Conduct with all program participants prior to the start of the program and will periodically review the Code of Conduct . If inappropriate behavior occurs , staff will develop a solution specific to each situation as it arises . NSSRA reserves the right to dismiss participants whose behavior endangers themselves or others .
Participant Expectations 1 . Clean , dry clothing . 2 . No bowel / bladder problems upon arrival at the transportation location or program . If this is a concern , extra clean clothing , clean – up supplies and Depends™ garments or similar items must be sent with the participant . 3 . Attention to body odor ( should smell clean ). 4 . Clean hair , face , teeth , hands , nails , etc . ( overall appearance should be clean ).
5 . Appropriate attire for program participation ( i . e . tennis shoes , warm ups or loose / comfortable fitting clothing for athletic / sports / exercise programs ). If you have questions about the type of attire participants should wear for a particular program , please contact our office .
6 . NSSRA staff will also be consistent in stressing personal hygiene while participants are in our programs and will not return participant ( s ) in an unclean manner at the end of a program .


NSSRA ' s Customer Service Committee was formed to ensure all customers receive the best service , and we are committed to continually improving customer satisfaction . Participants and families expect and deserve quality service . It is our responsibility to ensure that the service to all our customers meets or exceeds their expectations .

We want to hear from you !

Visit www . nssra . org / cssurvey and tell us how we ’ re doing by completing a short survey . Good or bad , we want to know ! All surveys are anonymous .

www . nssra . org 9