NSSRA Program Guides Spring 2018 | Page 51

Show Choir Don’t forget to bring your spirit fingers and jazz hands to NSSRA’s Show Choir program! Participants will gain appreciation for a variety of music styles while learning new songs and singing old favorites. Participants will also learn music etiquette and performance skills while experiencing being in a show choir. The group will also practice short dance routines for each song. There will be a final performance on the last day of program. Family members and friends are invited to watch the final performance. Goals: Improve leisure vocal skills. Improve ability to follow directions. Improve memory focused on song lyrics. Learn different styles of dance movement. Contact: Hailey Haas Program Code/Fee: 284405-01 / $72 Age: 21 and up Transportation Code/Fee: 284405-51 / $88 Location: Jewett Park Community Center, Deerfield Pick Up Time: 6:15 - 7:15 pm Times/Locations: 5:15 pm NSSRA Date: Thursdays, March 29 - May 17 5:45 pm Moraine Min/Max: 6 / 10 Adaptive Swim Drop Off 7:50 pm 7:30 pm Photos from the fall performance, "Dare to Dream." Join us while we work to improve mobility and strength in this fun swim program! Whether you want to learn how to swim or just improve the skills you already have, Adaptive Swim is for you. This program offers individual swim instruction to work on the participant’s goals in a one-on-one aquatic environment. This program is designed specifically for individuals with physical impairments. NSSRA will not be running programs on Friday, March 30 in light of Passover and Easter. Please note that this program will begin one week late on Friday, April 6. No program April 20. Goals: Increase physical endurance and improve strength, mobility and flexibility. Improve individual swimming skills. Increase water safety awareness. Contact: Hailey Haas Group I Time: Age: 13 and up Group II Time: Location: Park Center, Glenview Group I Code/Fee: Date: Fridays, April 6 - May 18 Group II Code/Fee: Min/Max: 2 / 3 per group www.nssra.org 4:00 - 4:45 pm 5:00 - 5:45 pm 280411-01 / $102 280411-02 / $102 ADULT PROGRAMS 51