NSSRA Program Guides Spring 2017 | Página 5

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Icon Key

Transportation Information Program descriptions indicate if pick up and drop off points or door-todoor transportation is available . Please indicate your pick up / drop off locations on the registration form .
Atlanto-Axial Instability ( AAI ) AAI is a condition , often present in those with Down Syndrome , that allows increased mobility of two vertebrae near the top of the spinal column . NSSRA requires AAI documentation from a physician for a participant with Down Syndrome wishing to register in a program where this symbol is indicated . AAI requires precautions that may affect the safety of those with Down Syndrome participating in certain programs .
High Risk Waiver Programs with this symbol have higher risk than typical recreation programs and will require a waiver signed by the parent / guardian for participation .
Extended Program Programs with this symbol meet prior to and / or after the regular program dates .
Cooperative Program Programs with this symbol are cooperative programs offered through an agreement between NSSRA and partner agencies or other organizations / agencies . NSSRA provides staff , equipment and support .
Bring Spending Money Programs with this symbol may request participants to carry and spend money for food , beverages and souvenirs .
Undetermined Drop Off Time NSSRA may offer programs to destinations such as sporting events and shows for which the end time cannot be specifically determined . The group will stay until the conclusion of the event . Staff will phone each participant ’ s household at the conclusion of the event with specific drop off times .

News from NSSRA

Opt in to receive text alerts from NSSRA . Texts will be sent regarding the changes to programs due to severe weather or other factors . Free to join , regular texting rates apply based on your carrier plan . You may unsubscribe at any time . To sign up , complete the Annual Information Form ( AIF ) online at www . nssra . org / forms .
We ' ve got quite a few new faces at NSSRA to start off the new year ! Flip to page 12 to get familiar with some of our new full-time staff , and be sure to give them a warm welcome when you see them around the office and at programs !
We ' re hiring for summer 2017 ! Applications for summer positions are now being accepted . Positions are available for Summer Program , Inclusion and NSSRA Camps . Visit www . nssra . org / summer for more information and to apply .
Thanks to your generosity , the NSSRA Foundation Holiday Appeal raised over $ 36,000 to support NSSRA programs and participants ! Your support provides community access and creates new opportunities for fun , travel and excitement for all ages and abilities . We value your friendship and look forward to sharing more success stories with you this year !

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