NSRCC Resort View Nov Dec 2019 | Page 21

On Par Quincy Quek with his trophy (Photo Credit PGA Tour Series-China) I feel that Marc has the vision and deep passion to help golfers, both juniors and adults. With me on board the team, I too, share the passion to help others whenever I can.” Quek also coaches a few members at the club who seek for game improvement. Both Quek and Marc Kawasoe, Director of the Academy, have become close friends since playing for the National Team. Quek shared: “Back when I first turned professional, I was traveling alongside Marc and we used to be roommates on the tour. Marc was the elder brother and played an instrumental role in my career as a young professional at that time. Quek also attributes part of his success to Kawasoe’s business partner, Director, Francis Tan for playing the role as a club fitter who gives him advice on his equipment. With the success that Quek has had this year, he is off to a better season on tour and looks forward to continuing his streak of wins. He believes that passion, patience and persistence are key ingredients to being successful on and off the course. He said: “Success is not final; failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” RESORT VIEW 19