Annual Report 2018 | Page 28

28 | ANNUAL REPORT 2017-2018 Elders at a Traditional Owner Management Group meeting are (standing, from left) Reg Kerr (Gudjal), James Gaston (Juru), Trevor Robinson (Bidjara), Sam Dallachy (Wiri), Richard Cassidy (Manbarra), and (front), Sheryl Wake (Gia), Josephine Smallwood (Wangan Jagalingou), Walter Palm Island (Manbarra ), and Virginia Wyles (Wulgurukaba). Engaging with Traditional Owners From previous page relationships between groups. Several NQ Dry Tropics staff members attended the most recent meeting earlier this year to update the group on new projects, and discuss opportunities for indigenous participation. Josephine Smallwood (Wangan Jagalingou) said Traditional Owner Management Group meetings were important and highly relevant to the work carried out by each group represented. Our Engaging Traditional Owners project this year administered a devolved grants program supporting five local groups to improve landscapes, record traditional knowledge, and promote economic independence. Wulgurukaba brothers Lyle (left) and Brian Johnson These grants, worth a total of $35,000, were funded through the managing traditional country at Horseshoe Bay by Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. removing weeds