November 2021 Newsletter | Page 6

Another month has passed , they seem to be going by really fast !
We are officially into fall and should be getting some great golfing weather ! We will start having much more play on the golf courses , which will be more wear and tear on the turf . This is the time when we need to practice our best etiquette . Mostly cart traffic . I know it is like a broken record talking about the traffic . It is a big issue ! I wish I could say it was all outside play , however it is not . I see member carts everyday in places they shouldn ’ t be . We have to keep carts a minimal of 30 feet from greens and tees . Most of our cart paths are at that distance . So please keep this in mind and help us protect our golf courses .
Along with the extra rounds , the ball marks will begin to be an issue as well , so please repair your ball marks and possibly one more . On this note we will try to do light top dressings and keep the surfaces as smooth as possible . Please enter and exit the bunkers from the bottom or the lowest points . This will keep bunker faces from breaking down and the walls firmer to prevent plugged lies .
We have switched back to the green sand for divots and hope they will be less visible in the cooler months ahead . When filling a divot please try and fill the divot flush . This will help the ball to be flush and possibly miss the divot . Again , the turf will not be growing as fast in the winter , it will need all of the assistance it can get .
Below are a few pictures of divots . Which one are you ?
Improperly filled divots
Properly filled divots
Forward tees : We have painted all of the forward tees Aqua . We should have most of tees open by November 1st and we hope you enjoy them . We will be cutting out some coquina cart paths for these new tees .
We have ground the stump out and repaired some areas to the left of the cart path on hole # 7 Deer . We also added some coquina to the left of the fairway and sodded the areas directly behind the homes along the out of bounds areas .