November 2019 November 2019 | Page 41

Upon hearing this potentially bad news, this caused us to look at each other in fear, thinking they were up to no good. Just as we rushed outside to take a look the pair of feathered larger-than-life turkey trotting thieves drove off in my four- wheel golf car. I made a 911 call to report the theft and the law enforcement officer asked if this was a joke or a crank call. George got on the phone to verify everything was for real especially the two fake turkey thieves. In the meantime, without de- lay, we get into George’s vehicle and high tail it down the street to look for my golf car that runs slower than a one-speed tricy- cle. It took fifteen minutes to catch up to my stolen golf car. A speed bump slowed it down rather abruptly causing both turkey thieves to fall out and make a hard landing on some gravel at the side of the road. Most of their fake handmade turkey costumes got ripped off leaving a casual clad young man and expectant young lady unhurt and frightened to tears. Within seconds a police car pulled up; the officer carried out a detailed investigation to find out why they stole the golf car and left the scene where it happened. After we were done the officer asked if he could speak with me and George privately. He appeared sad- dened and passive. We moved to a quiet area. This is what he found out: Jane the expectant wife and Edward Smith the unemployed husband were struggling to make ends meet financially after Edward lost his Office Manager’s job three months ago due to company downsiz- ing. The baby was due in early November. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, they made plans as skilled bow and arrow archers to hunt for a wild turkey after securing a valid hunting license. Unfortunately, things did not turn out well. Their older car broke down two miles from the wild tur- key hunting area; neither one possessed a cell phone to call for help. Given their appearance and anticipated wild turkey hunt Edward and Jane were deter- mined not to give up but con- tinued on foot to reach their hunting destination. As it were Jane developed unusual pains thinking it might be the pre- mature birth of her infant as happened to her nearly a year ago to the day, unfortunately, the infant did not survive. As the urgent situation lessened Jane was no longer in pain but quite exhausted. Edward spotted two homes facing each other on a rural street. They quickly hid behind a bush in the front yard of a yellow brick home with a golf car parked on the driveway. To make certain Jane was not about to have a miscarriage, Edward and Jane quickly bor- rowed my golf car and headed for the nearest hospital. That’s when George entered the scene. Need I go any further? Let’s get back to our private talk with the officer. After hearing of their unfortu- nate circumstances I told the officer I was willing to let the couple go without any charges being laid and call it a day. He agreed and left after a few handshakes and hugs. Jane was feeling fit as a fiddle and no harm was done. I called Florence to explain the situation and the first thing she said was to bring them home and invite them to stay with us as our guests for a few days including Thanksgiving Day. We have plenty of turkeys and maybe you can hire Edward (if qualified) to replace Frank your current Office Manager who is retiring next week. It would be wonderful to celebrate Thanks- giving and give thanks for the food and blessings we receive. They accepted gratefully and humbly. Edward was hired after a successful interview. Footnote: On Thanksgiving Day, shortly after our scrump- tious Turkey feast had con- cluded, Jane, with help from Florence a licensed midwife, gave birth to a beautiful sev- en-pound healthy boy. Guess what, Edward and Jane decided to name their new son Ray- mond George Martin. Wasn’t that the icing on a pumpkin pie? P.S. Happy Thanksgiving Day to all and to all a good night! NOVEMBER 2019 41