November 2013 Nov. 2013 | Page 7

Magazine Editor’s Comment Send me stu ff to put in th e magazine or the kitten gets it! For those who don’t care about the kitten - if I don’t get enough content I’ll be forced to fill the magazine with Land Rovers! So, as well as the usual, such as trip reports and photos, members profiles etc, I’m prepared to consider most things for inclusion I just need you to send it in. To help you out these are just some ideas: maybe non-club trips you’ve been on lately (where’s your fishing story Drew?); camping tips and tricks that you think are a good idea; recipes that you love (especially camp oven); jokes and quizzes etc, stuff for sale. This includes kids (of all ages as well) - got a favourite joke, photo, piece of artwork - I would love to include it in the younger member’s section. Just think you to could have your name in print - whoo hoo! So come on everyone otherwise I will be badgering you at every meeting. Think of it like this - if the magazine is full of interesting stuff it helps those boring bits of the meeting go a lot quicker! Genny Proctor [email protected] PS: For those who asked to have it in the magazine, the Pâté recipe will be in next month. November 2013 7