President’s Report
Well, I am back in the seat - bugger O that means I have to think of
something to write each month.
First of all, I would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication that
the previous committee have shown, under Drew’s leadership. I think you
will all agree that they did a fantastic job.
Presidents night was a resounding success - I remember back to the
early days of my involvement in the club, where we had an evening at
the hall, with catering from Red Rooster across the road. Many thanks to
David Harper, for the fantastic meal - I was impressed! The ‘toss behind
the shed’ has changed a little over the years, but still has the same basic
idea. 4 tables certainly made the game challenging, but as usual, the
competitive streak came out in some, but lots of fun was had by all.
Pink ladies day was also a fantastic success - Helen as usual has done
an absolutely fantastic job of organising - and of course we all had a ball
embarrassing ourselves. All for a good cause of course. But more details
about that later.
Thanks of course to the team with me now - all of them have their own
ideas to bring to the table, and a good mix of experience and good ideas.
I am looking forward to the year ahead.
So to finish with one of my favourite (and slightly modified) quotes.
Opportunity will always knock, you just have to get off your butt to
answer the door!
See you in the dirty stuff.
Peter Bowen
[email protected]
November 2013