If a man is overly fat, then they are more than likely not in the
best of health. And usually, when men get fat (but not always), it’s
after they become comfortable with their significant other.
And yes, life gets in the way and the good old fitness regimen tends
to take a back seat to all of life’s other responsibilities.
Man’s man physical feature compared to women is his ability to pack
on muscle.
Yes, there is a large hormonal piece to this, but that
all ties into the brain and neuroscience (brain science).
Men are seekers and hunters. We are a creature than wants more and
more and more. With just this fact alone, dieting goes against all
of our internal drives.
A structure in the brain known as the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)
is designed to make humans bond and connect. It is larger in females
than in males. Because….estrogen enhances it and testosterone makes
it shrink.
But this all makes perfect
grounded, he wouldn’t have
and gathering. Females on
perspective to nurture the
spouse and children.
sense. If throughout the ages, man got to
been able to meet his demands of hunting
the other hand were designed from a brain
family and to form a connection with the
As long as we are on the topic of hormones, dieting or deprivation
completely goes against or natural testosterone production. Who and
the heck would want that?
Females on the other hand, have estrogen
as their predominant hormone. Estrogen and insulin are the two main
hormones of fat storage.
Let’s keep on track though, shall we? Men are about adding to life.
The problem that most men have is that they don’t lift weights. Yes,
indeedy, they don’t lift weights.
Wouldn’t be a major problem is
they were still out hunting and gathering (blue collar guys get a bit
more of a pass because of this).
To have an optimal and manly body composition, a man must get enough
sleep (females too), drink enough water, eat enough foods that once