nov dec | Page 8



EC to probe Microsoft ’ s Activision Blizzard buy

The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation to assess the proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft under the EU Merger Regulation . The Commission is concerned that the proposed acquisition may reduce competition in the market for distribution of console and PC video games and for PC operating systems .

Microsoft and Activision Blizzard are both developers and publishers of games for PCs , game consoles and mobile devices as well as distributors of games for PCs . In addition , Microsoft also distributes games for consoles , offers the Xbox gaming console and related services as well a wide range of products and services , including the PC operating system Windows and the cloud computing service Azure .
The Commission ’ s preliminary investigation shows that the transaction may significantly reduce competition on the markets for the distribution of console and PC video games , including multi-game subscription services and / or cloud game streaming services , and for PC operating systems .
In particular , the Commission is concerned that , by acquiring Activision Blizzard , Microsoft may foreclose access to Activision Blizzard ’ s console and PC video games , especially to highprofile and highly successful games ( so-called ‘ AAA ’ games ) such as Call of Duty .
The Commission says the preliminary investigation suggests that Microsoft may have the ability , as well as a potential economic incentive , to engage in foreclosure strategies vis-à-vis Microsoft ’ s rival distributors of console video games , such as preventing these companies from distributing Activision Blizzard ’ s console video games on consoles or degrading the terms and conditions for their use of or access to these video games .
When it comes to multi-game subscription services and / or cloud game streaming services in particular , the Commission is concerned that , by acquiring Activision Blizzard , Microsoft may foreclose access , to the detriment of its rival distributors of console and PC video games that
offer such services , to its own PC and console video games , which are key for the provision of the nascent services of multi-game subscription and cloud game streaming .
Such foreclosure strategies could reduce competition in the markets for the distribution of console and PC video games , leading to higher prices , lower quality and less innovation for console game distributors , which may in turn be passed on to consumers .
Finally , at this stage of the investigation , the Commission has concerns that the proposed acquisition may reduce competition on the market for PC operating systems . In particular , the Commission is concerned that Microsoft may reduce the ability of rival providers of PC operating systems to compete with Microsoft ’ s operating system Windows , by combining Activision Blizzard ’ s games and Microsoft ’ s distribution of games via cloud game streaming to Windows . This would discourage users to buy non-Windows PCs .
The preliminary investigation suggests that Microsoft may have the ability , as well as a potential economic incentive , to engage in such conduct vis-àvis rival providers of PC operating systems .
The Commission will now carry out an in-depth investigation into the effects of the transaction to determine whether its initial competition concerns are confirmed .
The Commission now has until March 23rd
2023 , to take a decision . The opening of an in-depth inquiry does not prejudge the outcome of the investigation .
“ Video games attract billions of users all over the world and are among the fastest growing forms of digital entertainment ,” notes Margrethe Vestager , executive vicepresident in charge on competition policy . “ For years , Microsoft has been a major player across the gaming supply chain . It is acquiring Activision Blizzard , a highly successful producer of gaming content . We must ensure that opportunities remain for future and existing distributors of PC and console video games , as well as for rival suppliers of PC operating systems . The point is to ensure that the gaming ecosystem remains vibrant to the benefit of users in a sector that is evolving at a fast pace . Our in-depth investigation will assess how the deal affects the gaming supply chain .”
Analyst : ITVX could cannibalise linear
UK commercial broadcaster
ITV ’ s shift towards a digitalfirst
content strategy could
cannibalise its linear services ,
according to Neil Anderson ,
analyst at Ampere Analysis .
In a blog post , he notes that
ITV is placing exclusive Originals
and a digital-first windowing
strategy at the heart of its new
hybrid AVoD / SVoD service ,
ITVX , which will integrate ITV ’ s
three streaming brands ( ITV
Hub , ITV Hub + and BritBox )
into one single destination . The
platform will offer both library
and original exclusive content
in a bid to boost digital viewing
and revenues .
“ Having already scaled up the content catalogue of ITV Hub ahead of the transition , the new ITVX platform will launch with 10,000 hours of free content ,” he says . “ Although this is roughly two-thirds the size of the volume of free content available on BBC iPlayer and All4 , the broadcaster is hoping exclusive ITVX commissions can help the platform stand out in an increasingly crowded market ,” he advises .
“ In a step change to its traditional approach , much of the new content dropped on the platform will not be available on broadcast channels until six
to nine months after its ITVX premiere ,” he says . “ Flagship Drama , Comedy and Reality titles will also be released onto the platform as a full series or boxset on their first day of broadcast . Available in the free tier , these exclusive releases , such as Cold War spy thriller A Spy Among Friends , aim to drive free-to-air TV viewers to free streaming , and position ITVX as a destination for UK consumers to discover new content .”
“ While this change in ITV windowing indicates that the broadcaster is shifting towards a digital-first content strategy , drawing viewers from its live environment
could cannibalise ITV ’ s linear services …. This is unlikely to negatively impact its broadcast viewing share among younger audiences who are increasingly abandoning traditional broadcast . However , ITV does risk alienating older audiences that have a regular linear habit and are yet to view VoD services as destinations for content discovery . Regardless , ITV must be confident that it can fully monetise large-scale audiences on ITVX . Investing in compelling original content and optimising its release strategy will be key to this ,” he concludes .