Nov-Dec Overture_2024_Final | Page 13

Growing the Baltimore Symphony Youth Orchestras
THE BSYO had an exciting start to their season , with a 41 % increase in total enrollment across four ensembles , including a brand-new introductory orchestra experience for middle schoolers : The Philharmonia Orchestra , directed by BSYO Principal Conductor , Dr . Christopher Cicconi .
All BSYO performances will take place onstage at the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall , with the first concerts on November 17 at 5 PM and 7:30 PM .
The top orchestra is looking forward to another international tour as part of the Lisbon Music Festival this summer in Portugal . It promises to be the trip of a lifetime for these students , who fundraise for the trip themselves .
In addition to the BSYO orchestral experience , many of the students also participate in chamber music groups . As part of the chamber music program this year , the BSYO is launching Fellowship Ensembles , whose mission is to bring music to many of the area ’ s senior residences . These performances will enable students to have formative performance and public speaking experiences while raising dedicated tour and scholarship funding to ensure the summer tour is as accessible for as many BSYO students as possible .
Please scan the QR code for more information on supporting the BSYO ' s Tour & Scholarship Fund .
Music Box : Bugs ! ( NOV 16 & 23 )
Designed for children ages 6 months to 3 years
Chirp chirp , bzzzz bzzzz , tick tick ... What ’ s that ? It ’ s bugs taking center stage . Bring your magnifying glass and join host Maria Broom and a BSO string quartet as we zoom in on all manner of fascinating bugs .
Music Box : Dinosaurs ( JAN 11 & 18 )
Designed for children ages 6 months to 3 years
Travel back in time to the Mesozoic Era and experience the “ Age of Dinosaurs ” with the BSO woodwinds and host Maria Broom ! We will sing , dance and celebrate these not so “ terrible lizards ” together .
Saint-Georges ’ Sword & Bow by Classical Kids LIVE ! ( FEB 22 )
Designed for children ages 6 and up
Thirteen-year-old Giselle is dead set on becoming a famous pop star , while her father insists that studying music theory is much more important . The supernatural arrival of Jospeh Bologne , Le Chevalier de Saint- Georges , whisks Giselle back in time to learn about Bologne ’ s life . As she gets to know Joseph , his complicated story , and his incredible compositions , Giselle realizes that fame can turn on you in a minute , but true passion can last a lifetime .
Donor support underwrites programs that empower students in Baltimore and in communities around the state . You decide whether to designate your support to OrchKids or to use it where it is needed most for BSO youth education programs .
Regardless of how you designate your contribution , all gifts of $ 75 or more entitle you to the many benefits of BSO Membership ! That means advance access to ticketing and breaking news , valuable discounts , and events curated just for our supporters .
Visit BSOmusic . org / Giving or call 410.783.8000
NOV-DEC 2024 | OVERTURE | 11