The new school year is well underway , with students receiving highquality instruction and exciting performance opportunities in several BSO education programs .
An A + concert
IN SEPTEMBER , students from the Baltimore Symphony Youth Orchestras and OrchKids had the opportunity to perform alongside the BSO and one of the greatest artists of our time : Yo-Yo Ma . These talented young musicians joined Yo-Yo on stage for a special performance of Antonín Dvořák ’ s Silent Woods for Cello and Orchestra in front of two sold-out Gala audiences at Strathmore and the Meyerhoff .
“ To be able to share the stage with such an extraordinarily giving musician and person was magical ," BSYO First Violinist Julia Li said . " The BSO members are always so kind and , I feel extremely lucky
to learn so much from their passion . This was truly a moment that I will cherish forever and ever .”
The students greatly contributed to what was an already exciting night for the BSO . The two performances were the first sold-out Gala concerts since the COVID-19 pandemic , and one of the most successful fundraisers in BSO history .
OrchKids serves hundreds of students at new sites
Max Franz
BSO ORCHKIDS is officially back in session . This school year , over 2,000 Baltimore City students will receive immersive music education , including hundreds of new students at the Henderson-Hopkins School and Dorothy I . Height Elementary School . At the two new sites , students grades Pre-K through second will receive musicianship programming during the school day and have the opportunity to integrate into the after-school model , where they can begin their instrumental studies . First and second graders also participate in exploratory activities during their classes , where they can learn to play the violin , trumpet , and recorder . These hands-on musical experiences allow students to discover their favorite instruments and provide a bridge to after-school instrumental programs . OrchKids ' in-school and after-school models work together to provide a consistent , immersive musical pathway for students from Pre-K all the way through 12th grade , and beyond .
" This expansion represents a significant step in our commitment to providing high-quality music education to more students across Baltimore City Schools ," said Nick Skinner , Vice President of OrchKids .
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