nosh magazine (issue 1) | Page 3

Glenn Cardwell provides his top five tips to getting kids to eat well, no matter what their age or stage. TIP 1 TIP Listen to their appetite. Avoid forcing a child to eat everything on their plate. It is OK for them to leave food. Let them eat to their appetite. TIP 3 Respect that a child’s tastes will change over time. During infancy and toddlerhood a new food may need to be offered up to 10 times before a child will try it. Over the years, children will become more adventurous with their food choices. Give it time. 2 nosh magazine TOP TIPS FOR HEALTHY KIDS Encourage children to eat slowly. Slower eating means that the amount they eat better matches their appetite. Fast eating usually results in them eating more food than they need. TIP 4 Make wise fast foods choices. Fast foods are not sinful. Many are now offered with plenty of salad. The bigger fast food chains provide the nutrition profile of all their dishes, allowing parents to make better choices. TIP 5 Family meals are good for everyone’s health. Try to eat as a family whenever possible. This let‘s children appreciate food and understand what are good eating habits. It also gives an opportunity for the family to catch up on news. Glenn Cardwell, APD Learn more about Glenn: website | profile Glenn is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and the author of “Getting Kids to Eat Well: 10 eating principles to get your kids to eat well, whatever their age or stage”. 3