Norwex AUS NZ LifeStyle Magazine october_lifestyle_flip | Page 6
It’s beginning
to look (not
feel) a lot like
article by Carol Finnie, Regional Sales
Manager, QLD & NT
an you believe Christmas is just a few
months away again!? I know, slap
me right! With that said though, I hope
you’ll agree it’s time to start thinking about
Christmas shopping.
Oh my goodness, can you imagine how
packed the shopping centres are going to
be, not to mention trying to find a park
and then fighting for it as well. I know how
much my husband stresses out when he goes
So, are you prepared with plenty of bookings near a shopping centre, let alone entering
one. I’ve got to say, I totally understand
in your diary to max out the October/
how he feels when I enter a shopping centre
November Christmas shopping season?
coming up to Christmas. I really don’t
A full diary in these months will ensure you like that everyone else gets so frustrated,
have bookings over December/January and
impatient and pushy when I am always so
plenty of parties to kick-start 2019 with a
humble, in control and calm – NOT!!!!
bang. There’s nothing worse than letting
What better way to shop and alleviate all
your business stagnate over this period and
of that stress than with you, a Norwex
then having to start all over again securing
Consultant? Christmas shopping - in
bookings. We all know if we don’t keep the
a calm environment; the home. With
ball rolling then most of the time we don’t
friends, celebrating, eating yummy food
get back into our parties until February or
and drinking yummy drinks. This allows
even March. Ouch!
people to shop simplistically with your
How much extra income do you want
help and support. When you offer someone
to earn across October/November to
the opportunity to host a party or perhaps
put towards your Christmas or holiday
attend your VIP Christmas shopping event
experience? $500? $1000? $2000? What
in your home, you are helping them not
better way to do this than by sharing our
only alleviate stress, but purchase wonderful
amazing products with your family, friends, heartfelt gifts with purpose this Christmas.
Customers and Hosts so they can purchase
Never underestimate the opportunity and
or earn Christmas gifts to give with a true
value you offer to people by filling your
diary with parties over October, November
Have you made a start on your Christmas
and December, to help to help them do their
shopping yet? I hear a resounding “NO!”.
Christmas shopping.
With this in mind, your people need your
Let’s take a look at how to maximise
business growth during the ‘silly season’.