Norwex AUS NZ LifeStyle Magazine october_lifestyle_flip | Page 18

The Road to Red! September 2018… I’ll never forget you! The plan to promote to Red Jacket had always been in the back of my mind. It was never a question of ‘if ’, for the last 4 years I’ve spent with Norwex, it was a question of ‘when’. And how on earth do I manage to do it? I mean, really… 75 Team members engaging in one month? How was that going to happen?!  Well, it happens with an amazing Team, some planning, a lot of dedication and persistence… or stick-to-it-ness, if you like! I decided earlier this year that I would like our Team to promote to Senior level at some point this year and then worked on filling in the details. We needed an increase in numbers for one, and of Leaders too, so the early half of the year was spent helping our Sales Consultants to promote to Team Coordinators. We had a massive boost in numbers thanks to the Join for Free promotion before Annual Conference and the Team grew stronger. I was delighted to be joined by 8 of my Leaders at Conference and saw their passions ignite, the Team bond grow closer and a lot of pennies dropped about what an amazing organisation we belong to, how important our roles as Norwex Consultants are, and the opportunity out there for us to grow.  18 Get To Know Your Leaders . Emma Fenton Emma Fenton . Senior Executive Sales Leader . NSW So after returning from Conference the decision was made… September was to be it. As I said to the Team, I don’t try… I do. So this needed to be our best effort and if we all pulled together we’d do it and get the coveted Red Jacket for the Team.  So we clicked ourselves into the roller-coaster ride that is “Promotion Month”! And off we went, we had early wins as some of the Team jumped on board and engaged early! It was fantastic, we were tracking well, at that pace we’d have been done by mid-month! We had it! But alas… the dreaded plateau hit and the numbers didn’t move for nearly a week. The wobbles set in and the overwhelming ‘oh what was I thinking??’ feeling crept in. (A huge thanks to Sheridan Hodges, Tracey Wilson and Katie Batchelor for the counselling during this time!) But no… we weren’t going to give in that easily, we had started and so we should continue, stick-to-it- ness was our motto. The Team brainstormed ideas for engagement and we saw a rise in numbers and then thankfully Norwex offered out the Free Product Promotion. Suddenly casual Consultants were engaging