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Norwex Parties App C O N S U L T Parties A N T F A Q S App Norwex C O N S U LTA N T FAQS SUPPORT DID YOU KNOW? (cont) NORWEX PARTIES We APP (cont) are here to support you. Please contact us with any Will FEATURES there be any OF delay THE to accessing to the Norwex Parties App for new Consultants that What is the Party Description? just enrolled? After selecting an invite design, you can add a New Consultants who are opted in to Office Suite will personalised message to be included on the have immediate access to the app. invitation before sending out to your Guest(s). How do I log out of the Parties App? Can a Guest order be placed using the app? Go to the “Settings” of the app and tap on “Logout”. No, the app is currently not designed to accept orders. Consultants or Hosts can send a party link to party Guest(s) to purchase on the Consultant’s Personal Website. Can you contact the Guest(s) from the app? Yes, you can! If you sent the Guest an email What is Norwex Support? invitation, you can use the email icon to This is your Consultant Care through Centre’s email. toll free phone connect with them number, should you have any questions or need If with you sent the guest a SMS text easily RSVP tap on assistance the Parties App. You can invitation, you can use the phone icon Centre. to call. the phone number to dial the Consultant Care questions by calling the Consultant Care Centre: Can a Consultant send RSVP invitations? AUS As and Care long NZ as Consultant the Consultant is a Centre Host of the party, the Consultant may send or RSVP invitations to Guests. Phone: 1-800-NORWEX 0800-895-015 Hours: Monday – Friday 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., AEST Why can’t I send a RSVP invitation out to Guests on behalf of the Host? Consultant may only send RSVP invitations to Guests of a party they are hosting, not on behalf of the Host. Can I send more than one email RSVP invitation to guest(s)? Yes, you can send bulk email RSVP invitations! When you are sending the invitations out in email, your Guest(s) email address(es) will be placed in the Bcc: field of the email. How do I know when my invitation has been sent successfully? When you start sending the RSVP invitations, you’ll get the “Whoo-Hoo!” alert and see the count of invitations sent on the “Done!” screen. Is sending an RSVP invitation the same as sending a party link? A party link is not included in the RSVP invitation. However, should the Guest decline, they can be directed to the Consultant’s Personal Website to attach their Web Order to the party. DID YOU K NOW? Can the Host Name, Party Name, Date/Time and Location of an RSVP be modified through the app? The Host, party name, date/time and location cannot be modified in an RSVP. To make any changes to the party information, the Consultant will need to update the party from the Norwex Consultant Office. Can I send more than one SMS text invitation to guest(s)? No, the Norwex Parties App is designed to send SMS texts one at a time. This also helps protect your Guests’ personal information from being shared with other Guests. 17721 – 0218 22 NCO Updates . Party APP FAQ Can I send the monthly Host and Customer Specials from the Parties App? Yes, you can! When you’re in the “Rewards” section of the app, you’ll be able to “Download and View” the PDF of the Host Rewards or Customer Specials to your mobile phone and use the communication application (SMS text, email, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.) of your choice to send the Specials. Why am I not seeing the RSVP counts update? When you return to the Party Summary, you’ll see the refreshed update on this page.