Northwest ISD Elementary Libraries Volume 1 | Page 8

November 2018 Vol 1 Issue 1 HATFIELD Stephanie Rowe, LMS CHROMEBOOK CARE LIBRARY CLASSES No matter the age or grade level all students need to be taught the importance of caring for our technology.  Kindergarten and first grade were fortunate enough to recently receive Chromebooks.  They learned all of the Do's and dont's to keep them safe! All grade levels and classes have visited the library for library orientation.  Every class comes to the library weekly.  Kindergarten through second grade learned how to use the library and find a book through reading Goldie Socks and the Three Liberarians. EPORTFOLIO DEPLOYMENT Students learned the value of an ePortfolio as well as how it connects to the real world.  Third through fifth graders learned about Google Slides, setup their ePortfolios, and will begin utilizing them throughout the year in their classrooms.  Parents are able to see their child's work with access to their ePortfolio. LITERATURE CONNECTIONS Library lessons are used to introduce or reinforce curriculum being taught in classrooms.  Our Storybook Character Day was a fun way to celebrate reading and our favorite books.