Northwest Aerospace News — Special Resource Guide December | January — Issue No. 18 | Page 38


Of course , legislators have their own definitions of what is “ essential ” when it comes to state services and their own ideas about how many new taxes can be imposed upon a business , before slowing economic recovery .

How lawmakers collectively attack this challenge will go a long way in determining the economic vitality of our state for the coming decade and beyond . For our part , the AFA has been sharing as much data as possible with lawmakers about how this pandemic has ravaged the industry that was already experiencing significant turbulence .
Finding common ground will not be easy . The personal story of every aerospace employer in our state will be powerful in preventing policies that make it impossible to keep doors open and employees on the job .
Participate in the “ New Normal ” of Lawmaking
More daunting still , it is not entirely clear how the Legislature will conduct business in the 2021 Session . Early guidance suggests that much of this year ’ s Session will be conducted virtually . Public hearings and constituent meetings will be held through online platforms and floor votes held in person when it can be done so safely . The Capitol will be closed to the public , including lobbyists , and most of our critical work will be done outside the traditional methods of communication , likely by text and / or cell phone .
A virtual Legislative Session provides an unprecedented opportunity to connect with your lawmaker and ensure that our competitive aerospace ecosystem is preserved during budget negotiations . AFA needs every aerospace employer , educator , parent , and worker to join Zoom calls , volunteer to testify at virtual hearings , and write to their lawmakers this year .
Aerospace employers do not take anything for granted and lending your voice to this conversation is essential . Watch for our calls to action as the Session gets closer and let us know that you would like to help AFA advocate for our industry during these unusual but critical times .
Aerospace Futures Alliance 925 4th Ave , STE 2000 Seattle , WA 98104
info @ afa-wa . com https :// www . afa-wa . com