Northwest Aerospace News October | November Issue No. 23 | Page 55

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I felt as if I was at a rock concert , and someone was about to take the stage . As I stood at the edge of the balcony terrace at Boeing ’ s Future of Flight , I held a hot coffee in one hand and gripped my camera in the other . I was anticipating the unfolding of history ! The first all-composite commercial jet airliner , the star of the show , was making her grand appearance : Boeing ’ s groundbreaking 787 Dreamliner . At 10:27 am , 787 tail number N787BA thundered down the runway , her wings taking lift , showing the now familiar gull shape as she soared into the skies for her maiden flight .
Physically we were cold and wet , but those feelings were diminished by a warmth and excitement of witnessing aviation history . As I looked around the crowd after takeoff , people celebrated with high fives , handshakes and even hugs . The expectancy built from years of collaborative work toward this very moment was fulfilled . Grown men and women wiped the rain from their eyes , or was it tears of joy ? We had just witnessed the birth of a jet liner !
Whatever happened to B787 N787BA ? Years after the first flight , I received a call ; the B787 N787BA had found a new home in Japan . She was to become the centerpiece for a new museum and needed a team to get her ready for the next stage in her life . I welcomed the opportunity to assist . A little TLC was needed ; after multiple years of flight tests , she was showing her age . I boarded a flight to Nagoya , Japan to help .
Returning to the runway brought reminiscence of chasing the dream . I lingered in memory of being a part of such an incredible , historically significant experience . This time however , I was not sure what to expect as it had been years since she took center stage on that rainy December day .
I was not prepared for the emotions of seeing her after all these years ! Like friends embracing after years apart , members of our team walked right up and placed their hands on her fuselage , as if to say “ Hello beautiful ; we missed you .” We spent the next several weeks cleaning and restoring her back to the glory days . You can call it an aircraft spa day . We owed it to her . After all , she gave us so much joy .
If you are ever in Nagoya , Japan or Chubu International Airport , stop by and see our old friend at the Flight of Dreams . She is an extraordinary sight .
Flight of Dreams is connected to the new Terminal 2 Building at Chubu International Airport , easily accessible outside the terminal and via the train . Museum link is : https :// www . japanvisitor . com / japan-museums / flight-of-dreams
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