Northwest Aerospace News October | November Issue No. 11 | Page 58

INLAND NORTHWEST AEROSPACE CONSORTIUM SPOTLIGHT “W e are seeing more and more large-scale, contract driven opportuni- ties,” he says. “With the wide range of capabilities that Absolute Aviation and the other eight shops collectively offer, we can be a very valuable partner to airlines.” The company’s approach seems to be working. Year-over-year growth for the last two years has been over 13 percent and shows no sign of slowing. They antic- ipate hiring an additional six technicians by the end of 2020 to meet demand. In today’s cost-driven environment, Abso- lute Aviation is a valuable asset to airlines seeking to maintain and repair their fleets in the most cost-effective way possible. To learn more about their products and services, contact them directly: 58 NORTHWEST AEROSPACE NEWS ABSOLUTE AVIATION 8122 W. Pilot Drive Spokane, Washington 99224 Shaun Fuller Director of Operations Phone: 509.747.2904 Email: [email protected]