Northwest Aerospace News — Issue No. 43 February | March 2025 | Page 28

Anderson said the software runs on a browser , so clients set up computers in the factory , usually with two or three monitors to manage all facets of their work . He said they push out about three yearly updates with new features , modules , and offerings . He said most updates are included in their softwareas-a-service ( SaaS ) subscription . “ We are continuing to advance the interface to be more mobile-friendly , more app-like . People expect to be able to use apps on their phones ; they now expect it from any software .”

The company has grown since officially selling off Pro CNC and beginning full operation of ProShop in 2016 . It now has 100 employees across the U . S ., and it is virtual . The staff all work from home .
The ProShop ERP software creates efficiencies for manufacturers in :
1 . Estimating and quoting 2 . Sales and work order processes 3 . Visual work instructions
4 . Shop floor management and scheduling
5 . Product data management 6 . CMMC and cybersecurity
7 . Quality systems management and inspection
8 . Inventory control and materials management
9 . Job costing and financial data
10 . Cutting tool and fixture management
11 . And , human resources
The company ’ s mission statement is strong : “ We deliver powerful manufacturing software by deeply understanding our clients ’ challenges in order to meaningfully improve their business and , in turn , their communities .”