Luttrell is a fan of the product and knew Van Metre for many years before becoming a customer . He said they implemented ProShop ERP in 2020 based on consensus from their team — a big decision that took some time to commit to .
Brian Anderson , senior product solutions engineer for ProShop , has been with the company since 2017 but has used the software for 24 years . For many years , Van Metre and his business partners operated Pro CNC , a manufacturing company . Anderson said that back in 2000 , when he worked for the company as a machinist , they used Excel and QuickBooks to manage everything . They used spreadsheets to organize projects ; everyone had their spreadsheet no matter their role — machinists , inspectors , and others . They looked at many early software products but knew that their essential in-house work in Excel surpassed other work in the ERP space . “ It was a grassroots thing to build what we needed .” He added that they earned their industry certifications and , “ Somehow with excellent insight or a stroke of luck , we built the interface in a web browser — which makes it very accessible and easy to navigate and learn .” He said that ProShop was built out of necessity over 17 years .
Anderson said that running a manufacturing business “ is a complex endeavor .” He feels that the benefit of using ProShop is “ We provide a platform for our clients to do what they need to do , without having to do all of the stuff they aren ’ t necessarily in business to do .” For their clients , all machine shops , their focus is on making products and serving their customers .
Anderson added , “ What doesn ’ t pay the bills is managing reporting , time tracking , and schedules . Our software allows them to do that and frees them up to do the daily operations — making the client and team more efficient .”