Northwest Aerospace News - Issue No. 39 June | July 2024 | Page 56

Robert Nelson Humbay Inc .


“ HumBay , Inc . is a Delaware corporation whose founder , Robert Nelson , has carried on his family ’ s legacy of excellence in sales and marketing of innovative products to the aviation industry . His vision brings together an experienced team who has worked on aerospace product development in the past , and familiarity with the process and standards required .”

Contact :

Robert Nelson Humbay Inc .

rnelson @ humbay . com https :// www . humbay . com
If it ’ s WATER , we are entrenched . My family legacy sea-fared , mixed , rowed , and flushed ideas to market over four generations . Now at one hundred , the beach cabin in these photos is filled with the stories of success , tough luck , and perseverance . It is a place for the next generation to respect , reflect , and enjoy the silent wakening of water and happy whales .
I worked for Norwest as a manufacturer ’ s rep for over 35 years . Norwest was known for introducing innovative products to the Boeing Company . My early years in aerospace were more of an indoctrination into aircraft interiors repair and product certification , rather than sales and marketing . This experience taught me much about product re-work and the grueling task of testing , and what is required for flight certification . It also gave me a real insight into how Boeing valued helping and working with suppliers and airlines to meet schedule , and the buy-in for everyone involved in the process .