Northwest Aerospace News - Issue No. 39 June | July 2024 | Page 57

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One of many Norwest successes for commercial airplanes was the vacuum flush toilet . It was conceived on a stack of bar napkins by my father Charlie Nelson , with Larry Ashton and Bjorn Kristoffersen . Convincing Boeing management to fund this project on the Boeing 767 was more than challenging , but engineering won and the overall benefits to the airlines were dramatic . Their invention became the standard way to “ flush ” on commercial aircraft .
In the aerospace business , the barriers to entry are high — you need to have absolute engineering confidence in the technology and working concept . From there you can begin working on innovative design that gives you the best chance to pass high-level testing for certification . You then need to market and sell it , which is always challenging because change either needs to be competitively driven , or so desirable that the customer MUST have it .
The patience for understanding this cycle from concept to certification comes with experience , and that is why I feel Humbay is poised as the future for healthy cabin environments . Even more importantly is the positive impact Humbay will have on passengers and flight crews during flight . The evolution of the Humbay invention vaporizes water and produces DRY humidity that neutralizes viruses in spaces like aircraft cabins — a truly desirable benefit to potential customers . Our latest patent , refinements , and trade secrets bleed confidence to pivot in new directions to design a system meeting airworthy certification .
I love watching the history channel and can certainly relate to inventor failure , relentless problem solving , and the deep-breath discovery . Humbay is thankful and we plan to tell our own story of success , carrying on the family tradition !

Northwest Readers SHARE A STORY

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JUNE | JULY 2024 ISSUE NO . 39 57