Northwest Aerospace News - Issue No. 39 June | July 2024 | Page 48

Global Gateways :

The Benefits of Exporting Business Success

Recently , I was asked to help a friend develop a business case for their company for increasing their exporting into foreign markets . Immediately , I began to dig into the data to support this request . As it happens , I also needed to write an article , and here we are . Below you will find the ‘ tip of the iceberg ’ of reasons why exporting is good for business . From accessing new markets and increasing profitability , to building resilience and fostering innovation , the benefits of exporting are vast and impactful . Let ’ s dive in to explore how exporting can transform and elevate your business on the global stage .
Joanna Boatwright
Washington State Department of Commerce , Aerospace International Trade Specialist
In an increasingly interconnected world , the aerospace industry leads the charge in globalization . The U . S . exports over $ 100 billion annually in aerospace products alone , and holds 41.2 percent of the world-wide total of aerospace exports . Today , exporting serves as a gateway for companies to access the vast international marketplace . It accelerates growth , leading to increased profitability , more jobs , and higher wages . Moreover , exporting raises a unique form of resilience , helping companies reduce or mitigate risks , notably during challenging domestic economic conditions . Additionally , as companies engage in exporting , they tend to become more innovative , as they are exposed to diverse cultures and alternative business practices .
Accessing New Markets : A World of Opportunity
Exporting presents companies with the opportunity to access the vast majority of the global marketplace that lies beyond the borders of the United States . While the U . S . holds only 5 percent of all market share , 95 percent of consumers are located outside its borders , representing a significant opportunity for growth and expansion .