Northwest Aerospace News - Issue No. 39 June | July 2024 | Page 49

By exporting , companies can tap into these new markets and reach a much larger customer base , leading to higher total revenue , faster revenue growth , and increased labor productivity . This enables companies to transcend national boundaries and connect with a diverse array of customers worldwide , adopting a more robust and sustainable business model .


We are Astound Business Solutions .
Driving Profitability
Exporting not only expands a company ’ s reach but also enhances its profitability . Studies have shown that companies that export experience faster sales growth , with a 17 percent increase compared to non-exporting companies . This growth translates into the creation of more jobs , as exporting companies often need to expand their workforce to meet the demands of new markets . Additionally , according to the Export-Import Bank of the United States , employees of exporting companies tend to earn more than their counterparts in non-exporting companies . This combination of increased sales , job creation , and higher earnings demonstrates the significant impact that exporting can have on a company ’ s bottom line .
Building Resilience and Reducing Risk
Exporting not only helps companies build resilience by navigating fluctuations in the U . S . economy but also reduces risk by diversifying their customer base geographically . Companies that export are better equipped to withstand economic uncertainty by spreading their operations across the global market . This diversification mitigates the impact of economic downturns in any single region , making exporting companies more likely to stay in business and thrive even in challenging times .
Yesterday ’ s connectivity won ’ t prepare you for today ’ s
Yesterday ’ s connectivity won ’ t prepare you for today ’ s challenges . Your network needs increasing stability and security to maintain and run your mission-critical applications .
With a new name that reinforces our legacy of providing reliable , nimble network solutions from coast-to-coast , Astound Business Solutions offers a suite of cloud , internet and virtual-work services / support to meet the evolving demands of the aerospace industry .
Contact us for a free consultation . 1-833-249-2786 | astoundbusiness . com
JUNE | JULY 2024 ISSUE NO . 39 49