Northwest Aerospace News - Issue No. 39 June | July 2024 | Page 13

AeroGo Family of Products
Scott said they currently have 12 engineers in the company , with 75 employees . He feels that they have the North American market cornered on the type of work they do . Although he mentioned a competitor on the rigging side , it has a different focus . He added that there is competition in Western Europe , which is under four players . He said one of the big things is that AeroGo has decades of experience executing on government contracts . “ Nobody in our space has our depth of experience in understanding this language and can perform and execute on a contract requirement .” Plus , they can deliver services to privately-held businesses .
AeroGo Family of Products
Air Caster Rigging System Air Pallet Air Planks Air Transporter Air Cushion Vehicle
Wheeled Vehicle Load Runner Roll Handler Embedded Air Caster Systems Customer Air Caster Systems
JUNE | JULY 2024 ISSUE NO . 39 13