Northwest Aerospace News - Issue No. 39 June | July 2024 | Page 12

The technology is made of air casters and rigging systems in some cases . They come on-site to inspect the location for moving items and consult on properly setting it up for functionality and success . The air caster fills with air and then can be moved over the top of a film of escaping air under the unit . It is virtually levitating .
They are also called air bladders , cushions , pillows , pods , and bearings . They consist of a multi-layer fabric plate and cushion , with an aluminum plate on top . Air fills the air caster bladder and escapes between the caster and the floor , allowing even multi-ton objects to float easily .
In many cases , the question is how to get the air casters under heavy equipment so they can be moved . Scott said , “ Most of our heavy equipment uses a ‘ slide mount caster ’ that can be removed from the vehicles / units while the vehicle is in rest position . This is possible because our vehicles also have landing pads installed on them that are thicker than an un-inflated air caster . This allows the vehicle to sit raised off the ground enough , in a rested position , such that the ground and air caster have clearance .”
Customer applications can include what Scott said is : “ a wide basket ranging from automated industrial equipment moves , creating operational efficiencies for modular structure manufacturers , to moving fuselages into workstations .” He reflected that the business was originally started by Boeing engineers who needed a way to move heavy equipment . “ They started their own business with AeroGo to solve their problem .”