Northwest Aerospace News — Issue No. 37 February | March 2024 — PNAA Conference Edition | Page 27

If the tools sound complex , it is because they are . But , Goulding said , “ We ’ ve helped companies around the world design , test , and , if needed or requested , certify their product — everything from aerodynamic modifications to cleansheet aircraft , including hybrid / electric , hydrogen technology , supersonic , and eVTOLs .”
Thus , the software running everything in the company must also have depth . Developing that process has been a joint effort between Applied CAx , the Siemens-based application development , and the identified needs and problem-solving of AeroTEC . Goulding enjoyed the process because with Applied CAx , “ They take the time to listen and understand how you will use the tool . Their people have seen this installed in multiple ways . They discover what we are trying to achieve , define the process , and work with us on the journey . It is a tailored deployment of those tools .” He said that they work together to achieve the best possible result .
Saul explained that this success has been built over many years . He started with Applied CAx in 2015 in sales and business development after earning a degree in architecture . At the time he earned his degree , a housing market crash occurred , so he worked in construction for a while . That experience segued into being hired by a software company owned by one of his construction customers . He observed , “ I had a draw to aerospace and defense ,” and after a time , he approached Applied CAx .
Applied CAx was hiring an aerospace and defense sales executive in the Pacific Northwest , which appealed to Saul . “ Working in design , engineering , and manufacturing software was something that I was always interested in , and sales was something I was good at ,” Saul said .
CAx was considered a Silver Siemens partner , which he said was the lowest end of the tier . During his eight-year tenure , they ’ ve been “ North American Partner of the Year ” three times .
Last year , they were Siemens ’ top sales company . Saul said , “ Part of that success was that we ’ ve focused on a couple of industries . Most of our client base is in the Northwest , almost all aerospace and defense . In the last four or five years , we ’ ve also branched out to work in renewable energy .”
He said that because of their relationships with customers , “ There are a lot of aerospace engineers that we ’ ve worked with that have led to ( additional ) work in hydrogen and nuclear fusion companies ,” and others .