Guy Genney , head of communications with PriestmanGoode , an industrial design agency , was in attendance . “ RedCabin is the place where all important conversations in aviation happen .” He said they were both a sponsor and speaker at this year ’ s event . Their interest was to present topics on accessibility and the future aircraft cabin . They are interested in exploring the next generation of travelers and how that might impact aircraft interiors , including entertainment , seating , communication , and more . “ Those born in 2010 have had digital technology throughout their lives , and they will expect it in passenger experience .” He sees the experience as more seamless , from what they use at home to getting on the flight . He said individualization will be “ a big part of the journey .”
Looking to the future , Devin Liddell , principal futurist at Teague , was on hand to share his insights , including how data crunching can lead to artificial intelligence applications that may help passengers . He envisions AI maturing into “ hyper-efficient ” systems ( with ) airports and aircraft .” But he said that he wants to be aware of anomalies that will restrict the human touch for non-traditional passengers . That ’ s why he feels that customization of the passenger experience will improve outcomes .