The first mission will launch in 2025 . They expect routine daily flights in a matter of years , but it will take development from monthly flights to daily flights over time . They plan to demonstrate a “ full relaunch of the launch vehicle ” as they evolve .
Regarding launching the rockets , Papandrew said there are launch sites worldwide but that they will start initial operations at traditional U . S . launch sites . He commented that they are working with the FAA — just like all rocket companies must — to demonstrate that they are “ technically sound and safe .”
Working in the space industry , he stated , “ What had been a stagnant industry for a long time , we are now in a rapidly growing market .” He said there is a good reason that space businesses are accelerating now .
He shared , “ If you look at history , there are four pillars to civilization : communications , transportation , energy production , and manufacturing . None of this existed if you were an early colonist in the New World . But those four things are moving to space rapidly .” He continued by adding that communication , by way of satellites , is already in space . Transportation and energy production , he believes , will happen in space . He also cited how the manufacture of goods will occur in space in the near term .
He observes that planes , trains , and automobiles are the earth ’ s framework for how things move around logistically . He thinks a similar infrastructure will occur in space in the next decade .
Both Hennig and Papandrew see real benefits on earth from developing the space infrastructure through satellite — things like adding Internet accessibility to the three billion people on Earth that don ’ t have it and monitoring the climate and wildfires from space satellites . They also think that pharmaceuticals can be developed through space technologies .