Northwest Aerospace News February | March 2019 Issue No. 7 | Page 48

A s industry demands have skyrocketed so has the demand for employees. We have gone through some growing pains as we have seen a very large increase in our workload. Developing new processes and adding team members is a handful. The need for machinists and the lack of trained personnel available is well known in the industry. We decided if we were going to meet the growth curve and the demand for production we needed to “Grow our own” and so we have partnered with AJAC (Aerospace Joint Apprentice Committee) to train our machinist team. “We currently have three students in the program, with one still in high school,” states Rory. To accommodate the need for space as we grow, we also own our 40,000-square-foot building and have leased out some of the square footage over the years. As the need arises, we just occupy more of our building. We are currently finishing a section and adding offices and designing production space. This will be a work center for a unique project that operates as a separate entity with its own specific team. In today’s manufacturing environment and the ever-changing CGTech-OCT-NOV-Northwest Aero-PRINT.pdf 1 8/10/2018 8:52:53 AM landscape of requirements and the resources to provide for a clients quick-turn needs, Proto Manufacturing has positioned themselves to be that detail oriented, nimble, yet well-equipped partner. 48 NORTHWEST AEROSPACE NEWS Proto Technologies, Inc. 22808 E Appleway Ave, Liberty Lake, WA 99019 (509) 891-4747