Northwest Aerospace News August | September — Issue No. 22 | Page 48


Washington ’ s sustainable aviation future gets new energy – literally – with passage of Low Carbon Fuel Standard
Photo Credit : Boeing
By Emily Wittman , President & CEO — Aerospace Futures Alliance and Washington State Space Coalition

Founders of the # FlightFree2020 movement had an unexpectedly successful year , though probably not for the reason they hoped . Inspired by Greta Thunberg — who has not flown since 2015 — the flight shaming movement battles climate change by boycotting air travel for business or pleasure .

Global CO2 emissions from air travel did drop dramatically in 2020 , contributing 45 percent fewer emissions compared to 2019 . But this reduction was fueled by millions of unintentional participants in the boycott as the COVID-19 pandemic kept travelers at home .
This year ’ s flight shaming movement # FlightFree2021 is unlikely to repeat this success .
Emily Wittman President & CEO Aerospace Futures Alliance
https :// www . afa-wa . com
An alternative movement is growing in the aviation industry : reducing flight shame by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from air travel .
A growing list of Washington innovators are leading this movement , including Alaska Airlines , AeroTEC , The Boeing Company , Eviation , magniX , Microsoft , the Port of Seattle , Spokane International Airport , and Washington State University ( WSU ), among others . These leaders are committed to reducing aviation ’ s share of greenhouse gas emissions and are developing the sustainable technologies and energies needed to achieve shared climate goals .
What are these sustainable aviation technologies and energies ?