Northwest Aerospace News August | September — Issue No. 22 | Page 29

Aaron said if he was to advise another small machine shop , he said definitively , “ Spend more money than we did . The business started with a $ 115,000 loan from our parents . In retrospect , running this place as long as I have , if we started again , I would multiply that number by seven . The money would go into the facility and salespeople ,” he said .
He shared that between he and Adam , their mom and dad — who served as the delivery people for years and did assembly and packaging with their sons — “ There is no one left to give anything to . You are constantly fighting for time and organization .”
He added that “ You have to take your lumps and not make too many mistakes along the way .” At this point , both Adam and Aaron want to see their business grow . While Aaron is concerned about the talent deficit in the region , Adam felt they could find additional machining talent through Bellingham Technical College , where they attended .