Northwest Aerospace News August | September — Issue No. 22 | Page 10

Thinking back to a pre-COVID world , air travel could be met with dirty planes and tight spaces — long lines , and frustrations with security protocols . That pack of peanuts became a tangible symbol of what people could expect en route to a destination .

But why should air travel be that way ?
The technological and innovative design firm Teague is wondering just that .
They also work in the automotive industry , in bike design , and they help define the coffee experience at Starbucks . It ’ s fair to say that Teague is behind many of our modern experiences — or they aim to be . Lindsey Maxwell , vice president of Teague said , “
" The main purpose of Teague is to build a new and better world . We have the user or human which is center to anything we create . We are trying to create the best futures for people .”
For anyone who has been fortunate to fly Emirates airline to a destination like Dubai , they have likely experienced the pleasure of prime flying — even when flying coach ! A clean flight , beautiful design , excellent food , and astute flight staff are all a part of Emirates . Teague is a consultancy who combines experience with technology and design and a deep understanding of human behavior , and has helped form today ’ s reality of Emirates Air . In recent interiors , they ’ ve even included the United Arab Emirates national tree , the Ghaf tree , into the design , illuminated onto a cabin panel .
In recent years , they worked with Emirates and other partners to redesign the 777 fleet . As described on their website , http :// www . teague . com , they were involved with , “ A complete cabin refresh from nose to tail , Emirates ’ new 777 airplane features a modern color scheme , textured wall panels , and lighting design inspired by trends in residential interiors . Custom-designed patterns and fabrics found throughout the cabin unify the brand , pulling a red thread through the cabin design of Emirates ’ entire fleet .”
While Teague works in the aerospace / aviation industry on an international scale , they are accomplished in many other industries too , such as technology , mobility , and space .
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