Northern Maine Water Trail Map & Guide ACT 2018 Water Trails | Page 13

Caribou to Fort Fairfi eld on the Aroostook River This is about a 13 mile trip that will take 4 to 5 hours to complete. This trip is great for beginning paddlers. Put in at Caribou at the public boat launch off Lower Lyndon Street across from Sleepers Store on Route 1, MAG 65 B1. This trip will take you through a mix of rural forests and farmland. At times, the channel is very close to the river banks. Canoeing is possible in the spring and early summer and kayaks should be used during the summer months. Expect gentle water with some easy rips along the way. The river parallels Rt. 161, but it is still a scenic trip. Good brook trout fi shing can be had early in the season. Your take out point will be the Fort Fairfi eld boat landing at the Route1A Bridge, MAG 65 C4. View on Aroostook River looking towards Fort Fairfi eld. 11