It is common and understandable that everybody may be unaware of something under particular circumstance , but what is so special about Julie is that her unawareness of the daily affairs — whether trivial or critical — goes far beyond comprehension . It seems that she is living in another world totally separated from the one we live in — at least her mind is . What we consider as “ common sense ” can hardly occupy even the tiniest space in her mind .
Feature story
It is common and understandable that everybody may be unaware of something under particular circumstance , but what is so special about Julie is that her unawareness of the daily affairs — whether trivial or critical — goes far beyond comprehension . It seems that she is living in another world totally separated from the one we live in — at least her mind is . What we consider as “ common sense ” can hardly occupy even the tiniest space in her mind .
Will you walk pass one of your classmates who have been studying in the same room with you for almost three years and ask , ” What is his name ? Is it John ?” And the worse thing is , it ’ s actually Dohn .
Julie gets involved in such conversation so frequently that now it can hardly surprise people who know her well . Here Aida , Julie ’ s closest friend has told us more stories about Julie ’ s unimaginable unawareness .
The class next to ours is the class of Sino-American Technical Communication , and normally we call it “ Sino-American ” or “ Technical Communication ” for short . When Julie was still a sophomore , one day she passed their classroom with Aida and raised such a question , “ Which of them are richer , students in Sino-American or in Technical Communication ?” After Aida recovered from shock , she replied , ” So which team do you think is better , Houston or Rockets ? ”
Another conversation took place in class . While discussing on the topic ” career plan ”, Julie suddenly paused , as if something important occurred to her , and asked ,” Wait ! Are we junior or senior now ?” Her face showed undisguised confusion , which meant she seriously wanted the answer .
Perhaps what best demonstrates her
unbelievable unawareness is the famous “ running in the opposite direction ” event in her relay race . Since then , Julie was dubbed “ Girl from Mars ” in her little social circle . “ She definitely lives in another planet .” says Aida .
Some Interesting Conversations Involving Julie
♦ “ Are we junior or senior now ?” ♦ -- “ Which do you want , sausage with condiment or not ?” Sally asked Julie in a message . -- “ Yes .” Julie replied mindlessly . ♦ “ Which of them are richer , students in Sino- A m e r i c a n o r i n T e c h n i c a l Communication ?” ♦ “ If I ’ m unsatisfied with something , I won ’ t say it . I just write it down in my dairy .” ♦ “ Don ’ t see movies in that way ! You ’ re damaging it !” ♦ “ Muscle ! I love muscle man !”