Phase 2 . Focusing - Getting first common ground for a living laboratory
In this next phase the goal is to arrive at a first yet profound understanding of where pivotal points for operating a living laboratory in Nordhavnen might be located . This includes to carry the results from phase 1 together and try to identify connections and relations between them . Performing this exercise is a first step of moving from being reactive ( e . g . “ the problem of congestion in Copenhagen is still increasing , we have to increase the road capacity ”) to proactive and anticipative ( e . g . “ congestion is a current phenomenon , which might weakened due to trend XY by itself ”). It also includes the sharing of these understandings , in order to level the ground for the strategy to be carried commonly . The outcome of this phase is a first initial understanding what a living laboratory in Nordhavnen could look like .
While the first phase could have been performed by individuals , this phase is recommended to carry out in a workshop setting . Topics to work with could be :
Task 2-1 : Reflect on the most important institutional barriers ( from Task 1-1 , 1-2 , 1-4 ) and societal trends ( from Task 1-3 ) in Copenhagen , which have effects on the mobility system . Do they hamper sustainability goals set by Københavns Kommune ? What might be relations between them ? Can they be bended to achieve goals ? Decide on the most important ones .
Task 2-2 : Study if there are currently any underrepresented mobility solutions , which might be able to live up to the trends or alter them in a desired direction ? Which gaps in existing knowledge hamper a proper evaluation of the potential of those solutions ? How can these gaps be overcome ? What solutions need more profound application and testing ?
Task 2-3 : Reflect upon your understanding of a living lab ( eventually also in relation to the different cases you have seen in task 1-8 ) and get a first common understanding on what a living laboratory in Nordhavnen could look like .
Task 2-4 : Reflect upon experiments with different mobility solutions . What do you assume those solutions can do and what can ’ t they do ?